Listing is currently totally Free

All listings are only valid for 30 days unless renewed after which the advert will be held in archive for a further 5 days and then deleted from our database.

We only require you to provide a simple location for posting a classified, this is normally your town or the town closest to you, this is required to allow us to better filter searches for prospective buyers or sellers.

Quick and Simple, you log into your account on the site, then select Manage my Listings from the Menu, select the Advert of the item sold, and edit.

Scroll to the bottom of the listing detail and there is a check box for Mark as Sold.

You can then just let the advert expire and it will be automatically removed by our system

We currently only offer manual EFT payment for featured listings

Our Banking Details are :

Bank :

Type of Account :

Account number :

Branch Code :


Please use your Listing unique code as your payment reference 

We have included a simple search option in the header of the main page, you simply put in your main  search criteria for example Western Cape and Click Search, this will then product a result for all items in the Western Cape.

On the listing you will notice a further search area which will allow you to filter your results using other criteria such as Manufacturer, Calibre, Condition and so on.

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